
Devil Fruits

Devil Fruits, enigmatic and unique fruits scattered across the world, are renowned for bestowing superhuman abilities upon those who consume them, alongside an irrevocable incapacity to swim. With the exception of a solitary anomaly, partaking of a Devil Fruit means committing to a singular power for life.

Each Devil Fruit imparts a distinctive power upon its consumer, ranging from the most rudimentary, such as elastic-like stretching, to cataclysmic capabilities like inducing earthquakes. Each of these fruits is exceptional, with no two bearing identical powers naturally. They are broadly classified into three categories: Zoan, enabling users to metamorphose into animals or hybrid forms; Logia, granting mastery over and transformation into natural elements; and Paramecia, endowing users with a myriad of esoteric abilities that defy categorization.

Devil Fruits have elevated numerous influential figures globally, particularly within the Three Great Powers. Their scarcity and coveted nature have led to staggering valuations, reaching hundreds of millions in Belly currency, and spurred extensive endeavors to artificially reproduce them for warfare.


Types of Devil Fruit

Every Devil Fruit falls into one of three classifications, predicated on the type of ability it confers: Logia, Zoan, and Paramecia.


The most prevalent of these categories, Paramecia-type Devil Fruits bestow users with a diverse spectrum of superhuman abilities, encompassing feats like generating shockwaves and homing in on targets. These fruits can alter the physical attributes of their consumers, yielding traits like slipperiness, blade-like bodies, or the capacity to disassemble without harm. Some Paramecia Fruits even empower users to manipulate individuals, objects, or their surroundings, inducing levitation or transforming people into inanimate objects. Others facilitate the generation and manipulation of substances, such as wax or poison.

Paramecia fruits are distinguished by their absence of transformative or elemental powers seen in the other two categories.


Consumers of Zoan-type Devil Fruits acquire the ability to shift into a specific animal form, as well as a hybrid form blending features of their own species with that of the fruit's animal counterpart. Unlike other Devil Fruits, Zoan-type fruits are believed to possess a sentient nature. Recent scientific advancements have permitted the incorporation of Zoan Fruits into inanimate objects, animating them and granting access to standard Zoan transformations.

Zoan fruits significantly enhance physical prowess, making them ideal for melee combat. Carnivorous animal Zoans excel in battle due to their predatory attributes. Some Zoan fruits grant specialized abilities tied to the animal, like the king cobra Zoan's venomous spit or the mole Zoan's high-speed tunneling through solid earth.

In addition to Zoans that transform users into existing animals, there are three recognized subcategories:

  • Ancient: Zoan Fruits enabling transformations into extinct species, such as dinosaurs, known for their exceptional strength and unique abilities.
  • Mythical: Zoan Fruits allowing transformations into mythological creatures, such as dragons or phoenixes, often endowed with extraordinary powers, such as healing flames.
  • Artificial: Created Zoan Fruits permanently imbuing animal characteristics, with a rare few allowing voluntary transformations. Known as SMILEs, they were devised by Caesar Clown and Donquixote Doflamingo, with a variant created by Vegapunk.


Logia-type Devil Fruits are the rarest and most formidable, empowering users to generate, manipulate, and transform into natural elements like sand, mud, smoke, lightning, and plant life. Some Logias even transform users into artificial elements like paper or candy syrup, though these are non-canon.

The elemental transformation renders users intangible and maintains their control over fragmented bodies. It grants an array of elemental abilities, such as moisture absorption for sand or light-speed travel for light. Dark-element Logias possess the unique ability to nullify other Devil Fruit powers upon contact. Certain Logia Devil Fruits provide users with an endless internal space within their elemental form.


There exist Devil Fruits whose classifications remain unknown:


  • Laffitte's unnamed Devil Fruit enables him to sprout angelic wings and achieve flight.
  • Gunyo Gunyo no Mi (English versions: Glorp-Glorp Fruit): Allows the user to create and control clay, consumed by Prince Grus.


  • Meta Meta no Mi: Grants control over liquid metal, transforming the user into a Liquid Metal Human (eaten by Graydle).
  • Zuma Zuma no Mi: Confers control over plasma, turning the user into a Plasma Human (consumed by Smash).

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