
Vinsmoke Judge

Vinsmoke judge, also known as garuda, is the king of the germa kingdom, the supreme commander of the germa 66, and the patriarch of the vinsmoke family, being sanji's biological father.Judge is also a skilled scientist specialized in engineering and genetics, being responsible for the creation of most of germa 66' technological advancements, including modifying his own children into super soldiers and developing the raid suit that supports their enhanced abilities. He is a former member of mads, where he was a research partner to the leading world government scientist vegapunk and helped in co-discovering the existence of the lineage factor, which years later, led to him building and expanding his kingdom's military might through the use of cloning. After escaping totto land, judge and caesar clown, his former colleague, created neo mads as a successor to mads.Due to his actions, he is the secondary antagonist during the first half of the whole cake island arc. However, he and his children became allies of the straw hat pirates and the fire tank pirates after realizing big mom deceived and intended to assassinate them.

Vinsmoke Judge

Judge is a large man with long golden hair which reaches his waist. He has a long and thin black mustache which spikes upwards, a thin and small beard, and a prominent cleft chin. He always wears a golden helmet, which was later destroyed during his clash with big mom. Much like his children, judge has curved eyebrows, although they are relatively thicker.He usually wears his raid suit, which is composed of a gray robe with the number "66" on the bottom front, a large orange cape, a belt with the number "66" on the buckle, dark gloves, and boots with jet propellers that allow him to levitate in the air once activated.At the tea party, judge changed into a dark grey suit, comprised of a grey shirt, white tie, trousers, and a double-breasted jacket. On top of the suit, he wore an orange, single-shoulder royal cloak clasped in front of his neck.Thirteen years ago, judge wore an outfit similar to the one he wears in the present, but with different coloring.Judge did not wear a helmet during his time with mads (thus exposing his eyebrows) and wore a simple suit instead of his raid one. He was also far leaner and with shorter hair. His mustache would start growing around this time.

Vinsmoke Judge

Judge exhibits a typical royal hauteur, holding the firm belief that royalty is meant to be served, not to serve others. He disowns his third son, sanji, after learning about sanji's "Disgusting" habit of cooking for others (which he equates with serving others). It has been shown that he passed these attitudes down to his children, as his other sons use the same rationale to justify bullying sanji during their childhood, and his daughter is seemingly proud of the status and privileges of being born into royalty, but in truth actually despises her father and his beliefs. As part of this pride, judge is preoccupied with recapturing the past glories of the vinsmoke family; for this reason, his lifelong ambition is to retake the entire north blue, as his ancestors once did. Ironically, it was his desire for power and tremendous arrogance that nearly led to the deaths of himself and his family when big mom deceived him in forming an alliance only to betray him and nearly kill him.He has proven that he will not hesitate to use any means to accomplish his goals, including genetically modifying his children into superhumans, and going as far as to tell his wife that he was content with turning their sons into monsters, as long as they win wars. When his wife maintained her opposition, he forced her to undergo the surgery which would instill the modifications, and he was furious at his third son when he failed to exhibit any enhancements from the surgery. As sanji prepared to leave the family, judge gave him only one condition: that sanji never associate himself with judge or the vinsmoke name again, since he considered sanji his greatest failure and shame.

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