Askin Nakk Le Vaar is a Quincy and a member of the Wandenreich's Sternritter with the designation "D" - "The Deathdealing", as well as one of Yhwach's Schutzstaffel, Shuttsushutafferu; German for "Protective Echelon", Japanese for Elite/Imperial Guards. Askin has medium length black hair with white streaks, with a strand hanging down in front of his face, reaching his mouth. In addition to his Sternritter uniform, he wears 3 layers of collared silver armor around his neck, shins, and crotch accented with periwinkle stripes with an indigo jewel in the center, as well as ornamental pink, purple, and red bracers on his left arm. He has lavender eyes, a thin face with pronounced cheekbones and markings running from the ends of his eyebrows to the corners of his eyes.
Askin can best be described as eccentric and unpredictable, at times offering levity to otherwise serious situations. He is very sarcastic, pointing out how Bazz-B states that he is calm despite preparing to attack Jugram Haschwalth. He is also quite arrogant, questioning the intelligence of the scientists of the Shinigami Research and Development Institute. He tries to trick his opponents, wanting 12th Division Captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi to pursue him into a trap. By his own admission, he is not good at dealing with meticulous details, and would rather finish things quickly. Askin is incredibly laid back and relaxed, having a picnic in the middle of a battlefield and using binoculars to watch his fellow Sternritter fight, although he dislikes getting caught in the mess that Gremmy Thoumeaux creates. He also likes café au lait. Askin firmly believes in killing his opponents "elegantly" with The Deathdealing rather than simply finishing them off physically, even when they are incapacitated and vulnerable to such attacks; he claims that such a method is more suited for women like Yoruichi Shihōin and Bambietta Basterbine, and is visibly angered when others suggest that he employ such tactics. He also defines a woman's value not by superficial attributes such as physical appearance, but instead by her style and presentation. The Deathdealing , "Lethal Dose"): Askin can perfectly calculate the "absolute lethal dose" of any substance he consumes - the amount that will cause death without fail - and raise or lower that value as he sees fit, causing a lethal dosage of that substance. In order to facilitate that lethal dose, he needs to consume a great amount of whatever it is he wants to manipulate into his body. By consuming blood, he can decrease the lethal dosage of the blood in his opponent's body, thus making it fatal to them.
Gift Ball Askin throws a small, slow moving ball of poison at his opponents. It is potent enough to make Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez collapse immediately after making physical contact with it. Gift Bad), Askin creates a darkened area of influence the size of a large circle on the ground; if anyone steps within its radius, Askin can lower their resistance to anything, such as Reishi, causing them to become "poisoned" by high amounts of that substance. Reishi Manipulation: As a Quincy, Askin primarily absorbs spiritual energy from the atmosphere, and combines it with his own spiritual energy to form weapons. He has an easier time collecting this energy in environments with higher concentrations of Reishi such as in Soul Society or Hueco Mundo. Hirenkyaku Practitioner: Askin possesses some skill in Hirenkyaku, managing to dodge a fatal attack from Ōetsu Nimaiya. Great Spiritual Power: Askin's Reiryoku is on a level comparable to or greater than that of a captain-level Shinigami. Enhanced Endurance: Askin can survive normally fatal injuries, which he claims is an attribute he possessed prior to being recruited into the Wandenreich. Enhanced Durability: Despite his reluctance to engage in direct combat, Askin is a fairly durable combatant; he withstood Yoruichi Shihōin's Shunkō: Raijin Senkei with only light wounds, and soon afterward survived the massive explosion created by Yūshirō Shihōin's Shunkō: Bakuen Musō with only moderate burns. Pharmacology Expertise: He determined Nimaiya's weight and how much blood his body contained by simple observation, and possesses an advanced understanding of pharmacology in relation to the effects of The Deathdealing on others. Highly Perceptive Combatant: Askin is a considerably perceptive and calculating combatant. When Ōetsu Nimaiya attacked the Schutzstaffel with Sayafushi, Askin was the only one who attempted to outmaneuver him because he had figured out the blade movements of Sayafushi to the point where he could move backward at the same speed as Nimaiya's swing, which Nimaiya himself noted and was impressed by despite seeing through the attempt and successfully attacking him. Heilig Bogen, Hairihhi Bōgun; German for "Holy Bow", Japanese for "Sacred Bow"): Askin wields a long bow that he summons by drawing it out of the cuff of his sleeve. Its handle is composed of several circles joined by light-colored bands, which then taper off into a normal bow. The bow itself sprouts from and is attached to his wrist. Heilig Pfeil, Hairihhi Pufairu; German for "Holy Arrow", Japanese for "Sacred Destruction Arrows"): Askin can fire moderately long arrows from his bow. The arrows possess four fletches on their ends, and Askin can fire two at once from the areas above and below his wrist.
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