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Alternative One Piece
Author(s) ODA Eiichiro
Genre(s) Action, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Manga, Shounen
Type Manga
Tag(s) Chapter, Chapters, Comic, Comics, Manga, Original, Volume, Volumes


One Piece 1138 Manga Page 7

This is Page 7 of One Piece 1138, click or swipe the image to go to Page 8 of the manga. Given garling became warrior science god and shanks was found in a treasure chest in god valley there is a possibility that he was experimented upon as a child maybe shanks is the illegitimate child while shamrock is the real deal so as to inverse loki-hajruddin dynamic and hence his ridiculous future sight. This is because five elders also showed ridiculous conqueror's haki feats in egghead and they seem to have something going on with that shanks hitting greenbull with haki from miles away on sea with pinpoint accuracy shows he has mastery of haki that has not been shown by any other character so far. Catch the latest one piece manga 1138, check this blog regularly for the updates of one piece - chapter 1138: in Full Color & Ch 1138 100 out of 100 based on 5 ratings.

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One Piece Chapter 1138 Online Page 7
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I was thinking something similar. Though I was thinking instead of jarul having amnesia, that both he and loki decided not to tell the truth about harald, because they didn't want to ruin the reputation that he had before he turned traitor or because he was tricked/forced into the deal with the world government. Mainly because jarul seemed to be the only giant willing to say anything good about loki, and because even if he had amnesia he'd probably have questions about why it's clearly harald's weapon in his head, and not loki's. I think the fact that harald being killed and shanks stealing the gum-gum fruit only being a year apart are too close to be coincidence. I think that the giants actually did have the fruit at the point where harald was killed, and that the wg killed him for it then shifted the blame to loki.

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