Metal Bat (Kinzokubatto) is a S-Class, rank 16, superhero for the Hero Association. Metal Bat resembles a typical Japanese banchō delinquent who sports a pompadour. His eyes and brows greatly emphasize his hot temper. He appears to have a great deal of confidence in himself stating that he did not care whether a threat is a Demon or Dragon level, he would take care of it himself. He also seems to be brash and reckless, as shown when he immediately smashed one of Melzalgald's marbles instead of trying to analyze what purpose it serves for the enemy.
Furthermore he was willing to challenge Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask for his mockery attitude before it was interrupted by a call from his sister and Sweet Mask's client. He speaks in a very rough dialect, pronouncing 'yer' instead of 'your' for example. Despite his brash attitude, he still has a soft side in him when it comes to his sister, who he treats very well and spoils to an extent. Like Saitama, he doesn't care about his rank and sometimes accidentally kills his enemies faster than he intended, such as when he killed Rafflesidon and Senior Centipede before he could get an answers for their motivations. This is different from Sweet Mask's merciless nature.
As an S-Class hero, Metal Bat is very powerful. It's believed he's one of the strongest S-Class heroes, as he was able to threaten Sweet Mask with little to no fear, one of the strongest characters in the series, and even stronger than some S-Class heroes.
He was able to take on multiple monsters, such as Senior Centipede and Rafflesidon, who are each a demon level monster. He was even confident enough to fight a dragon class opponent, stating he doesn't care if it is one. Highly Perceptive Combatant: Despite his brash nature, Metal Bat seems to be very perceptive, as he was the first one to discover Melzalgald's weakness. In addition, he was able to notice that Elder Centipede avoided getting his head in contact with Metal Bat's attack.
Mind Control Resistance: By hitting himself with his bat, Metal Bat was able to resist the influences of Rafflesidon's gases. Immense Strength: Metal Bat possesses immense physical strength and has taken out many powerful monsters and villains with a single swing, including two demon-class level monsters simultaneously. While being unable to kill the Elder Centipede with one hit, he did push it down and completely stop it in its tracks.
Immense Durability:: Metal Bat also possesses immense durability. He was able to take many hits from Senior Centipede, a demon class level monster which would kill a normal human being. In addition, he received a direct hit from Elder Centipede, but did not seem to be fazed by the attack afterwards.
Fighting Spirit: Metal Bat was able to take a lot of punishment from battles and still be able to continue to fight as if nothing happened. It is his will to continue to fight, no matter what happens.
Immense Reflexes: : Metal Bat also possesses superhuman reflexes as seen in his fight against Garou, where he's able to deflect and block Garou multiple punches despite being injured in his battle against Elder Centipede. Immense Speed: Metal Bat was able to escape a falling spaceship and he even considered Puri-Puri-Prisoner slow.
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