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Alternative One Piece
Author(s) ODA Eiichiro
Genre(s) Action, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Manga, Shounen
Type Manga
Tag(s) Chapter, Chapters, Comic, Comics, Manga, Original, Volume, Volumes


Valorant: Raze

Raze is a VALORANT agent, whose skill kit is centered around mines, grenades, and general explosions. Raze is all about dealing AOE damage to enemies and will become a favorite agent for those players who like chaos and mayhem.

Blast Pack and Paint Sheels are Raze's main abilities, with which she melts the opposing team. While Paint Sheels is a more direct damage grenade-throw, Blast Pack can stick to walls and be detonated on command, making it great for defending critical choke points or messing up spike plant sites. Raze's signature ability, Boom Bot, is an auto-lock Bot that chases enemies and explodes if it catches up to them, making it a great space-maker of a skill. And if someone lives after encountering Raze on the battlefield, the Showstopper ultimate does just that — it ends everyone's life.


Paint Shells (E) – Cluster grenade that deals initial impact damage, followed by damage from the clusters.

Boom Bot (C) – Set down an explosive robot that goes in a straight line, bouncing off walls until it detects an enemy in front of it. It will then home in and detonate on them unless shot.

Blast Pack (Q) – Like a C4 satchel. Throw it down and either detonate it when you want or let the timer run down. Deals AoE damage and displaces Agents.

Showstopper (X) – Pull out a rocket launcher and fire it down a lane. The explosion deals huge damage to anyone in its radius. We’ve seen aces with a single shot from this.

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