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Alternative One Piece
Author(s) ODA Eiichiro
Genre(s) Action, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Manga, Shounen
Type Manga
Tag(s) Chapter, Chapters, Comic, Comics, Manga, Original, Volume, Volumes


One Piece 1140 Manga Page 13

This is Page 20 of One Piece 1140, click or swipe the image to go to Page 1 of the manga. Gold, silver, and copper! We finally got it! Scopper has been teased for 27 years, its crazy to think oda planned to reveal him in such an important way. We're going to see another sabaody-esque arc! Maybe there'll be a clash between shamrock and scopper while the straw hats escape? Similar to rayleigh and kizaru. Would be cool for scopper or luffy to fight against shamrock, luffy fighting his idol's brother, and shamrock fighting his ex-crewmate's brother. Catch the latest one piece manga 1140, check this blog regularly for the updates of one piece - chapter 1140: in Full Color & Ch 1140 100 out of 100 based on 5 ratings.

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One Piece Chapter 1140 Online Page 13
One Piece 1140 スキャン - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20  
Hopefully we get to see scopper in action at least against luffy, although I'm betting they're gonna get interrupted by some silly holy knights. I think it's so cool how we can finally see the mirror between roger, rayleigh, and scopper with luffy, zoro, and sanji. 
The "Missionary of love" stuff was a great reference to sanji being the future left-hand-man, for the new king of pirates. Appreciate how oda didn't model sanji and zoro directly off of rayleigh and scopper, and they have their own fighting styles and characteristics. Hope this means a sanji buff sometime soon.. Overall, amazing chapter! Can't wait to see loki's first interaction with the crew. Still baffled at how his role will affect the story, but can't wait to find out.s. 

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