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Author(s) ODA Eiichiro
Genre(s) Action, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Manga, Shounen
Type Manga
Tag(s) Chapter, Chapters, Comic, Comics, Manga, Original, Volume, Volumes


One Piece 1140 Manga Page 18

This is Page 18 of One Piece 1140, click or swipe the image to go to Page 19 of the manga. Loki said that he'd tell luffy everything he knows about shanks and his current location if he was freed. Nami wanted to go to the castle to steal treasure and zoro went along to make sure loki isn't trying to trick luffy. Catch the latest one piece manga 1140, check this blog regularly for the updates of one piece - chapter 1140: in Full Color & Ch 1140 100 out of 100 based on 5 ratings.

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One Piece Chapter 1140 Online Page 18
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So this confirms that gaban nor saul are the man makred by flames, right? I actually really like that. It would have been too obvious and corny for either of them to be gatekeeping the final poneglyph. Luffy is based the famous shonen main protagonist trope inspired by or made famous by dragonball's son goku..  
Zoro is based on the classic typical cool badass and honorable protagonist like we always seen in the samurai, yakuza, classical heroism story.. Example from japanese entertainment would be like kenshiro from fist of the north star, jjba's jonathan joestar, berserk's gut etc.. Sanji is based on very popular protagonist trope from the 80-00's trope where the main protagonist is a kind hearted but "Pervert" or "Lecherous" or "Womanizer". Like city hunter's ryo saeba, gto's onizuka, kotaro makarotoru's kotaro etc... Therefore its not really weird for roger's pirate to follow the same trope for parallel purposes.. Coby/smoker is luffy's garp or Ace was whitebeard, sabo was oden and luffy was roger etc...

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